I’m a total planner. Every week I schedule exactly what I’m going to do and when I’m going to do it. I leave some wiggle room for last minute requests and projects, but I love knowing that if I just stick to my plan, I’ll get it all done.
But the thing is, while planning it I’m all in and usually excited about what’s on my to do list. But when the actual time rolls around to do the thing, I never want to do it. In fact, it’s usually the last thing I want to do and I can easily think of 5 other things I “should” do first.
Take this blog for example. Every week I have time scheduled on Monday evenings to write it. And EVERY Monday evening I dread doing it. But guess what, I still do it. And once I start writing, I love it and am so glad I still did it even though I did not want to.
Most of us have a believe that if we don’t want to do it or are not motivated that we are not going to do it. But believing that is a horrible recipe for reaching your goals.
What I think sets apart people who get crap done and reach their goals from those that don’t is doing the things you said you would do EVEN WHEN YOU DON’T WANT TO DO THEM.
It makes sense with things like weight loss (if you want to weigh less, eat less dessert which is not fun, but helps you lose weight), but the same is also true with other things.
Want a clean house, get rid of the crap you don’t use or need. Don’t just want all the Marie Kondo episodes. Actually DO the things, even though you don’t want to. At the end of it, you will have a manageable clean house unlike most others.
Want to start a side gig? Schedule time on the side to work on it and ACTUALLY work on it during those times even though Netflix or relaxing sound so much better.
Want to start exercising? Pick a time to do it and when the time comes, just plan on not wanting to do it AND THEN DO IT ANYWAYS.
Don’t let a lack of motivation keep you from accomplishing your goals. Motivation is a bonus, but not required.