Your brain loves a questions and is always looking for evidence and an answer to whatever question you ask, but have you ever stoped and really looked at the questions you ask yourself in a day?
I dare you to write down every questions you ask yourself.
- Why can’t I get up earlier?
- Why can’t I lose weight and keep it off?
- Why do I have to be the one to do it?
- Why can’t if figure this out?
- What was the point of that meeting?
- Why am I the only one that cares?
- Why can’t I get up earlier? Because I went to bed to late and am not a morning person
- Why can’t I lose weight and keep it off? Because it’s hard and donuts are delicious
- Why do I have to be the one to do it? Because no one else is capable.
- How do I want to start my day?
- Why do I really want to lose weight?
- How can I empower others to be self-service?
- What’s one thing I could try?
- How can i make this fun?
- How else could I get this done?
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